Lucas/TRW Pensioners Association

Your Voice in Retirement

Lucas/TRW Pensioners Association

Your Voice in Retirement

Please use the tabs below to see why you should join us, who is eligible, how you join and what it costs.
You can join the Association online by clicking on the link below.

join us

Alternatively, you can download a joining form here:

Please contact as many former Lucas or TRW former colleagues as possible to make them aware of the Association and encourage them to join.


Why You Should Join Us

  • We believe it is still important to have a large network of pensioners in place who can act together on any matters which might adversely affect our future pensions.
  • We will closely monitor the ZF UK Pension Plan and the employer’s commitment to support it.
  • We will keep a careful watch on how effectively L&G manage the TRW pensions which were recently transferred to them.
  • You will receive our regular newsletter, keeping you informed of any significant matters which might affect your future pension benefits and matters of common interest relating to our shared employment history.
  • You will be joining nearly 3,000 others who have helped bring the Association to its present level, and you will be adding your weight to its future activities.

Your support is very important: Pensioners need to have a voice in future developments which could affect the pensions which we have worked and paid for. The more members we have the louder that voice will be.